7:30 am – 12:30 pm

Exodus Float & Promote

Exodus Float & Promote

Saturday, July 27 & Sunday, July 28

The high school youth (rising into 9th to graduated 12th graders) will meet at the Powerhouse at 7:30 am on Saturday, July 27th, to kick off the Exodus Float & Promote! This is the first overnight event with our new Freshmen, and we look forward to officially welcoming them into Exodus this weekend. We will be floating down the Illinois River in Tahlequah on Saturday morning/afternoon and then returning to Tulsa for dinner and more fun. We will be staying overnight in the Powerhouse on Saturday night and getting up for breakfast in the Powerhouse on Sunday the 28th. We will have Sunday school at 9:30 and then be worshiping here at FPC. Pick up will be at the Powerhouse at 12:30. The cost is $75.00 and this covers all meals and activities. 

You can register HERE.

The registration deadline is July 24th.

Scholarships are available so please talk with 

Steve Wilson if you need one for this event.