“Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children..."
Ephesians 5:1
For us, Church is much more than a Sunday morning experience. The Christian journey is one of continual growth. The gospel calls us to be a people living life together in Christ-centered community celebrating blessings, sharing burdens and seeking God together. Whether you’re a “cradle Presbyterian” or brand new to the Christian faith, there is a place for you here in the family of Christ.

What does it mean to be “inwardly strong”?

A legacy of learning

“Let the little children come to me”
Christian “discipleship” begins with young children hearing and absorbing stories from the Bible, it grows naturally as they come to wrestle with big questions about life, and it doesn’t slow down from there. First Presbyterian Church is home to a vibrant variety of children and youth programs, including AWANA clubs.

Loving and learning with the next generation
Throughout their adolescent years, your children will be welcomed in and surrounded by staff members and volunteer leaders who have a true heart for youth and model a deep love for God. They aren’t afraid to wrestle with big questions and walk through the ups and downs of life together. We want to help these young men and women own, articulate and live out their faith in their Churches and communities for the rest of their lives.

Discipleship opportunities for every stage of life

A multi-cultural faith community
First Presbyterian Church is home to a vibrant community of international believers called the Tulsa International Fellowship (T.I.F.). This group of primarily African immigrants worship, grow, and support each other every week through a variety of offerings.

Member Care
Pastoral care is an essential aspect of the ministry offered to our Church members and to members of our community. We care for hurting people in times of illness, grief and other challenging chapters of life.

Get involved in discipleship
To learn more and register for discipleship programs, contact Duff Points, Executive Director of Adult Ministries.