Baptism is God’s way of making a family. Jesus, in his own baptism, comes up out of the waters of the Jordan and hears the Father say, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.” As we follow Jesus through the waters of Christian baptism, the Father claims us as His beloved sons and daughters.

Infant and child baptism
We believe there is no greater gift you can give your infant or child than a relationship with Jesus. Infant and child baptism showcases God’s grace in loving and choosing us before we make any choices ourselves. This amazing grace, that God loves us before we love Him, is why ancient Israel circumcised baby boys and why the earliest Christians baptized, as a replacement for circumcision (Colossians 2:11-12), the children of believers (Acts 2:39). In infant and child baptisms, while parents and pastors are active participants, God is the main actor, publicly declaring, “You are my child” and promising, “I will be your God.”

In ninth grade, students are invited to confirm the promises of their baptism by going through a year-long process of Confirmation. Some students are baptized at this time if they were not already baptized as infants. At this time, they can choose to make their own public statement of faith and become members of First Church.
For information on youth baptism, contact Dionna Schooley.

Adult Baptism
We sincerely encourage adults of all ages to explore the Christian faith and make a public profession of faith through baptism. Here, adult baptism is offered in conjunction with the First Church Membership class, a special opportunity for prospective new members to make connections, dive into big questions about faith, and formalize their membership at First Presbyterian Church. Contact us to learn more. We can't wait to share in this journey with you.