How shall we sing the Lord's song in a foreign land?
Psalm 137:4
Tulsa International Fellowship (T.I.F.) is a vibrant community of immigrants within the larger family of First Presbyterian Church. This unique ministry began with a handful of local African Christians in 2009, and has since grown to serve disciples from around the world, uniting them around the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Whether you hail from Uganda, Africa or Midtown Tulsa, all are invited to join in worship at 11 a.m. in the Great Hall and experience the unmistakable joy and fellowship of the international Church.

A home away from home
Even since Adam and Eve first left the Garden in the beginning of Genesis, God’s people have experienced change and displacement time and time again. Today, this displacement is a reality for thousands of global immigrants living in Tulsa. Many immigrants come for education, jobs or refuge. Along the way, they can face incredible challenges with language barriers, cultural differences and legal processes. Even everyday tasks like arranging transportation, finding medical attention or furnishing a home can feel overwhelming when alone without community support.

Living out the gospel promise of belonging
Tulsa International Fellowship was created by and for immigrants who know the struggles and share an incredible passion for community. Today, their faith and generosity has blessed hundreds in Tulsa and around the world, drawing them into relationship with Christ and with fellow believers.

T.I.F. is first and foremost a worshipping community within First Presbyterian Church. Every week, a gathering of around 100 disciples come together at 11 a.m. in the Great Hall of the Bernsen Community Life Center. The worship is full of energy and life, often featuring songs in multiple languages as well as content specifically tailored to the international Christian experience.

After worship every week, T.I.F. wouldn’t be complete without “swallowship” (fellowship with food). Hospitality is at the heart of the global Christian community, and here outside the Great Hall, you will experience food and conversation that nourish both body and soul. Whether you’re visiting for the first time or it’s now part of your weekly routine, the fellowship at T.I.F. is warm, welcoming and genuine. So come; “taste and see that the Lord is good!” (Psalm 34:8)

Faith community
Outside of Sunday worship, the people of T.I.F. are active within the Church and the larger community of Tulsa. T.I.F. hosts a Sunday school class with in-depth Bible study as well as regular gatherings during “Wednesday Night Downtown.” During the week, many T.I.F. members participate in home visits, small groups, and other activates to serve and enrich the lives of fellow international immigrants in Tulsa.