“Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.”
Mark 10:14
At First Presbyterian Church, we invite every child into a life-transforming relationship with Jesus Christ. They are known and loved by God — and their Church community. We surround these young disciples with dedicated staff members and volunteers in a safe, constructive environment where they will encounter the Good News of Jesus Christ while forging meaningful relationships. We firmly believe in inviting and including children in worship, and you will see kids of all ages in worship services. We also provide childcare and Sunday school options for infants through fourth grade, as well as a cry room and nursing mothers’ room. For more information on cry room and nursing mothers' room please email Erin Barnhart.

Infant and child baptism
We believe there is no greater gift you can give your infant or child than a relationship with Jesus. At First Presbyterian Church, families typically practice infant baptism, which showcases God’s grace in loving and choosing us before we make any choices ourselves.

Early Childhood

Elementary Age Children
We encourage elementary-age children to participate in Sunday school and in any of our services with their families and Church community. Sunday School is offered at 9:30 and is taught by dedicated adults who feel called to pour into the youngest of believers. Following “children’s time” in each of our 11:00 worship services (about 15 minutes into the service), kindergarteners through second graders are invited to join staff and volunteers in continuing with their own worship experience. Third and Fourth graders stay in worship with their families.

First Church is proud to host AWANA, a non-denominational, Bible-centered ministry that has been discipling children around the world since 1950. AWANA clubs are rooted in the idea that children can have fun while learning God’s Word. Most kids establish a lifelong moral and spiritual belief system during their early years, and AWANA helps Churches and parents intentionally build a solid biblical base that supports children throughout the rest of their lives. AWANA is offered as part of Wednesday Night Downtown during the school year for kids 3 years old through 4th grade. We welcome children from all around Tulsa, no Church membership required.