What would the Apostle Paul say to First Church?

What would the Apostle Paul say to First Church?

John Harper, Mission Study Team Co-Chair
A Mission Study reflection

On more than one occasion, sitting in the pew or in my easy chair at home, my soul has been stimulated by the thought of the Apostle Paul joining our Mission Study Team. I find myself wondering what he would be adding to our conversations and deliberations. What might his “Letter to the Church on Boston” be?

The briefing I would give him would be very favorable, reflecting the strong momentum of First Presbyterian Church, but also remembering that our rich history, notable assets, strengths and stability cannot drift into spiritual lethargy, communal self-satisfaction, or arrogant hubris. I think Paul would assertively remind us of our challenges to be faithfully orthodox and devoted to Christ’s teachings today, of all times. He would, I think, admonish us to not be worldly conformists, but humble, by reason of being saved by grace in Christ alone. And that because of that confidant hope, we should carry on to “conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ” (Philippians 1:27).

I will always be grateful for the opportunity to be part of this providential season in our church. It is a season that I trust God will soon yield to another momentous era in the life of First Church—a new dispensation of Gospel purpose where we can seek to be obedient as those who were before us, being divinely led by the Holy Spirit, who makes us inwardly strong and outwardly focused for His greater glory.

Along with the pleasure of working alongside the other members of the Mission Study Team, each with their particular gifts and personalities, has been for me the unexpected surprise and blessing of grasping more clearly and practically the various ways our church practices our mission statement: “Called to make fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ, Inwardly strong and outwardly focused.”

In small-group discussions and personal interactions with the leadership and congregants, I have been impressed by how often and persistently the Holy Spirit is continuing to guide us to fulfill the Great Commission in our city and, more broadly, to the other communities we seek fellowship with across the globe.

“I will always be grateful for the opportunity to be part of this providential season in our church.”
 – John Harper,
Mission Study Team Co-Chair

When we hear the passion and concerns of those devoting themselves to the leading voice of Christ—whether they are engaging in Member Care, leading in teaching and mentoring our Discipleship programs in the Powerhouse, or leveraging the facilities of the Masterwork Academy or Camp Loughridge—my soul is being blessed to know we are a church that is discerning needs and acting to meet them through the devoted service of our parishioners.

Even in this time of reflection, as we focus on perceiving our future direction as the First Church family, the Holy Spirit has been ministering to us. Day by day. For me, each sermon has been pertinent to the moment during this pastoral transition process. This is God’s providence for us and a testimony of His enduring purpose for us as a fellowship of Christ followers in this time of church history.

First Church Tulsa Mission Study process
Where we’ve been and where we’re going


September 2023
The Transition Team was formed including Allison Biggs, Brett Crane, Jim Diacon, Stephanie Madsen, Urbanus Masaku and Gary Mathews. This team communicated with the church throughout Dr. Miller’s retirement process, addressed concerns and assisted in finding an interim senior pastor. They concluded their work with the appointment of Rev. Dan Hutchinson.

January 2024
The Mission Study Team, including Mark Brown, B.J. Dollahon, John Harper, Gary Johnson, Grace Masaku, Anne McCoy, Nicole Pugh, and Porter Shults, presented the plan for gathering information and creating the Mission Study as a part of the pastor transition process.

January - May 2024
Rev. Julia Metcalf produced and released 13 “The Transition Podcast” episodes featuring interviews discussing various aspects of the Mission Study and the pastor transition process.

March 2024 
The Mission Study Team presented the Congregational Assessment Tool (CAT), the online church-wide survey. The 476 survey responses received provided a wealth of data for the Mission Study Team.

April - May 2024
Holy Cow! Consulting processed the survey data and created a presentation of the findings to share with the congregation. The survey results were presented to the ministers, leadership, staff and congregation by Holy Cow! Consultant Elizabeth Hamilton.

June 2024
Focus group discussions called Congregational Conversations were held each week in June to further address topics from the all-church survey.



  • June 2024 - Congregational conversations continue

    The Mission Study Team conducts conversations within the community of faith about the future of our ministry. The team meets with staff and church committees to further discuss the mission the church. Congregants are invited to provide further input around topics and themes that arose during the assessment. These will occur during the 9:30 a.m. Sunday School hour every Sunday in June. This is a time to understand the strengths of the congregation’s culture and what may be missing.


  • July and August 2024 - Mission study concludes and report is finalized and approved

    The Mission Study Team compiles all findings into a single mission study report. This report seeks to define and project the ministry priorities and goals for the next 3-5 years for First Church. It will aid in aligning new pastoral leadership with the church ministries.


  • The Pastor Nominating Committee is elected

    The pastoral search begins after the mission study is complete. Session calls a congregational meeting to elect the Pastor Nominating Committee, a group of candidates brought forth by the Nominating Committee.


  • Mission report information session

    The Session (Elders) and Mission Study Team presents the mission study report to the congregation. This report will guide the Pastor Nominating Committee as they develop the ministry discernment profile, the help wanted ad.


  • Applications open for candidates for senior pastor

    The Pastor Nominating Committee utilizes the ministry discernment profile to search for candidates. The committee begins receiving and reviewing applications from candidates.


  • Candidate interviews begin

    The Pastor Nominating Committee begins interviewing senior pastor candidates while continuing to receive applications.


  • Applications close

    The Pastor Nominating Committee closes applications for the position of senior pastor.


  • Pastor Nominating Committee selects a candidate

    The Pastor Nominating Committee selects a senior pastor candidate subject to the Presbytery’s approval.


  • Congregation votes to “call the candidate”

    The Pastor Nominating Committee presents the candidate’s name and the congregation votes to call the candidate to be the new senior pastor of First Church.


  • Installation of the new senior pastor

    When the congregation, Presbytery and candidate have all concurred in a call to the permanent position with First Church, a service of installation occurs in the context of worship.

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