Great books for kids and parents

Great books for kids and parents

Sarah Savage

I’m often asked by parents to recommend Christ-centered books to read with their children and here are some of my favorites.

Praying Through the Bible for Your Kids by Nancy Guthrie

This book by Nancy Guthrie takes parents through 365 prayers for their kids. Each day includes Scripture reading, a short devotional and a prayer. As parents focus on prayer, God shapes their hopes and desires for their children.

Answering Your Kids’ Toughest Questions by Elyse Fitzpatrick and Jessica Thompson

Kids ask questions all the time and some of them are hard to answer. Sometimes parents are not sure what to say or how to answer them appropriately or biblically. This book gives parents Christ-centered, Bible-based guidance on how to answer some tough questions.

Egermeier’s Bible Story Book by Elise E. Egermeier

Parents often ask, “What’s the next step after the Jesus Storybook Bible?” Elise Egermeier’s Bible Story Book is a great next step. The stories are true to scripture but written so upper-elementary kids can understand them. This book is heavy on story and light on pictures but is a great addition to any family shelf.

The Tech-Wise Family by Andy Crouch

Technology is here to stay and figuring out how to use it appropriately can be a daunting task. This is a great resource for learning how to use technology wisely, from a Christian perspective, within the context of our busy lives.

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