Wednesday Night Downtown
5:15 pm – 7:30 pm

Wednesday Night Downtown

Join us at 5:15 in Stephenson Hall on Wednesday evenings for an optional dinner and for the class offerings which start at 6:15 p.m.. Click here to pre-pay for dinner(s).

Dinner Menu 2/12/25

Chicken Parmesan

Rice pilaf

Fresh steamed vegetables

Fresh fruit salad

Italian style romaine salad

Garlic bread sticks

Lemon cake

(Kids Menu) Chicken nuggets, tater tots

Dinner Menu 2/19/25

Ham Steaks

Macaroni & cheese

Fresh fruit salad

Mixed greens salad


Chocolate brownies

(Kids Menu) Hot dogs, macaroni & cheese

Class offerings start Jan. 8 and end Feb. 26:  

  • Faith Foundations: What We Believe: Do you need a refresher course on what you learned in confirmation class years ago? Each week a pastor or lay leader will teach on topics such as: the Trinity (Father, Son, and Spirit), the Bible, Our Condition and God’s Solution, Jesus as Lord, Baptism and Communion, The Great Ends of the Church, Tenets of the Reformation, and Spiritual Disciplines. (Miller Library)
    • Feb. 12 The Great Ends of the Church, led by Rev. James Estes
    • Feb. 19 Tenets of the Reformation, led by Jacob Thompson
    • Feb. 26 Spiritual Disciplines, led by Rev. Julia Metcalf
  • Seekers Bible Study: Rev. Wambugu Gachungi and Patrick Kirunda lead and in-depth study of the Sunday morning sermon scriptures. Come enjoy praying together, studying the Bible, and engaging in lively questions and discussions. (Room E104)

  • Wellness and Worship Yoga and Nutrition Classes, Holly Hughes and Holly Thompson, Bernsen Reception Area: Get and stay fit in the New Year! Come join each Wednesday from 6:15-7:30 p.m. in the Bernsen Reception Area Jan. 8 - Feb. 26 for yoga classes, led by Holly Hughes, a certified yoga instructor. Classes will focus on breathing and stretching with total relaxation, resulting in less stress and muscle tension along with better mental clarity and combined with a worship component created to deepen your connection to Christ through His Word. All levels of fitness are welcome. The final class on Feb. 26 will focus on nutrition and well-being and will be led by Holly Thompson. (Bernsen Reception Room)

    Amass Exodus at 6 p.m.; Powerhouse
    Senior high students join AMASS Exodus

Pathfinders at 6:00 p.m.; Powerhouse 
Middle school students join Pathfinders on Wednesday.

AWANA at 6:00 p.m.; Children's Center 
Wednesday evening activities for children ages two to fourth grade. The focus is scripture memory and a lot of fun. Learn more here.