Summer Ring & Sing 2024
Kids in rising grades 1st - 12th are invited to join us for a summer of ringing and singing! Students will learn a song and hymn on chimes and hand bells, and will ring in worship on Sunday, July 28. Ringing choirs will be divided by grade, based on registration numbers.
Registration for ALL grades is requested by Sunday, June 23, so we know how many bells, chimes, & music folders we need.
Register here: https://1stchurchtulsa.wufoo.com/forms/summer-ring-sing-2024/
Here's what you need to know:
What: Summer Ring & Sing
When: Sundays at 9:00 AM
Dates: June 23 - July 28
- Bell Choir for rising grades 5 & up: 3rd floor choir room
- Chimes Choir for rising grades 4 & under: West Parlor
- Contact Name Gretchen Bashforth
- Contact Email gbashforth@firstchurchtulsa.org
- Contact Phone 9183011012