Foundations Class (fka Pastor's Study 2) - The Letters of Paul
9:30 am – 10:30 am
E104, First Presbyterian Church

Foundations Class (fka Pastor's Study 2) - The Letters of Paul

The Letters of Paul led by Rev. Dan Hutchison, 9:30-10:30 a.m., E104

This class is open to anyone who is interested in studying the basic foundations of the Bible and principles of the Christian faith. Starting September 17, Dan Hutchison will lead the class on a deep dive into the letters of Paul, beginning with the book of Romans. Sometimes called Paul's magnum opus, the letter to the Romans is rich in doctrine and timeless in truth. Join us as we explore the depth of human need, the mystery of God's righteousness revealed in Christ, the transformative power of God's grace and love, and much more. All ages and all levels of previous engagement with the Scriptures are welcome!