Celebration Singers Registration
12:00 am – 11:30 pm

Celebration Singers Registration

Fall enrollment for the Celebration Singers youth choir is open through Sept. 30!!  Click here to register: https://1stchurchtulsa.wufoo.com/forms/fpc-celebration-singers-registration/

Make a joyful noise to the Lord with the Celebration Singers youth choir! The youth choir is open to students in grades 5-12 and meets on Sunday mornings at 8:45 AM, in the 3rd floor music suite. Enrollment is required; regular attendance is requested. Fall enrollment is open in Aug/Sept; spring enrollment is open Dec/Jan. Click on the "Register" button below to enroll.

Students who sing with the youth choir will learn rich theology and Biblical truth through choral anthems, worship songs, hymns and musicals, in a variety of musical styles. They will collaborate with other music groups in the church, including the Chancel Choir, worship team, and the youth praise band. Along the way, they will learn good singing technique, basic music theory and history, all while building community and fellowship with friends!  They will also have many opportunities to share that truth with the congregation and community, by singing for worship and special events throughout the school year.

Fall 2024 dates are as follows:

Wed, Aug. 28 & Sept. 4:  Special rehearsals for Breakfast on Boston, 5:00 PM
Sun, Sept. 8:  Sing for Breakfast on Boston
Sun, Sept. 15:  Regular rehearsals begin
Sun, Oct. 6:  Sing for World Communion Sunday worship
Sun, Nov 3:  Nativity begins
Sun, Nov. 17:  Sing in Stephenson Hall worship
Sun, Dec. 15:  Sing in Sanctuary worship
Sun, Dec. 22:  Nativity Dress Rehearsal, 5:00 PM
Tues, Dec. 24:  Christmas Eve worship, 5:00 PM
