Facility Rental Policies

First Presbyterian Church has several buildings in its downtown campus that lend themselves to different uses and activities. Some of these are reserved for member use only and others are available for public rental. All uses are governed by the Church’s policies and procedures as approved from time to time by the Session, the Church’s board of ruling elders. Each facility offers unique opportunities, hopefully one suited to your purpose. All uses must be scheduled and placed on the official Church calendar to avoid conflicts and confusion. Please call the FPC Business Office (918-301-1035) if you have any questions regarding availability, permitted uses or rates.


At First Presbyterian Church, weddings are occasions of both joy and reverence – joy because of the gifts of love and happiness that the bride and groom have found in each other, and reverence because of the deep commitment they have made to live out their vows under the grace of God.

Wedding Coordinator: First Presbyterian Church can help make your wedding ceremony both lovely and meaningful. The Church provides a wedding coordinator who helps keep things running smoothly and makes sure your wishes are carried out within the framework of Church guidelines. A wedding coordinator will be necessary if more than 25 people are on your guest list.

Decorations: Candelabra and aisle candles are available. Floral displays may not detract from or hide any of the Christian symbolism in the room.

Photography: Your wedding may be photographed and videotaped from the balcony in the sanctuary or from the rear of the Kerr Chapel or the Great Hall. An unmanned video camera may be set up in the choir loft of the sanctuary. An audio tape of a ceremony in the sanctuary or Kerr Chapel may be made at cost, if you wish. Flash photography is not permitted during the ceremony.

Music: When the wedding is placed on the Church calendar, the couple should immediately contact the director of music to arrange an appointment. All music used in the wedding service is subject to the approval of the director of music. The music for the wedding must be sacred, in keeping with the nature of Christian worship. Pre-recorded music is not permitted in the sanctuary or Kerr Chapel. The Church will provide the organist for all weddings in the sanctuary or Kerr Chapel. The director of music can help arrange for a solo vocalist and/or instrumentalist, if you wish.

Rehearsal: The rehearsal is usually held on the day preceding the wedding and is conducted by the officiating pastor. Promptness and conduct appropriate to a place of worship are expected. Rehearsals may begin no later than 6 p.m.

Licenses: The marriage license must be given to the wedding coordinator prior to the rehearsal. The marriage license may be obtained in any court clerk's office in any Oklahoma county.

Receptions: There are several rooms in the Church and the Bernsen Community Life Center that are available for receptions:

In the main building (709 S. Boston):

  • Stephenson Hall, the outdoor courtyard and the Atrium can be used alone or together for receptions. These spaces, completed in 2012, are very flexible and can accommodate large or small receptions.

In the Bernsen Community Life Building (700 S. Boston):

  • The Great Hall, formerly a ballroom, is a large open space with an adjoining catering kitchen, stage and dressing rooms.
  • The Lewis Conference Room is also a large room but without an adjoining kitchen.
  • The Reception Room is a more intimate space that can seat 30 to 40 at tables.

Wedding & Reception Fees: Your membership status at the time of submission of the wedding information form and venue choice will determine the fees that apply. 

Download brochure, application and rate information below:

Wedding brochure

Wedding application

Wedding rates (member)

Wedding rates (non-member)

For more information, please call 918-301-1035 or email tmoseley@firstchurchtulsa.org

Funerals and Memorials

Funerals and memorial services are complex events that must balance many factors, including religious requirements, emotional needs, and financial realities. They are also services of worship. The purpose of these services is to give thanks to God as the Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer of life, celebrate the life of the deceased, aid family and friends in their mourning and draw on the promise "... that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord," Romans 8:38-39. For additional information and forms, please click this link.

At the time of death, one of our pastors will work closely with family members to plan the details of the funeral or memorial service and to extend the care of our congregation. For more information, please call 918-301-1029.