Pastor transition

Pastor transition

Pastor transition at First Presbyterian Church of Tulsa

Our beloved senior pastor, Dr. Jim Miller, retired at the end of October 2023. We invite you to join our congregation in praying for this season of change as we walk the path God has laid for First Church. Find updates and information here regarding the transition to our interim pastor Rev. Dan Hutchinson and, in God’s perfect time, a new senior pastor. 

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Pastor transition leadership

The First Church congregation approved a Pastor Nominating Committee, brought forth by Session at the November 17, 2024 congregational meeting. This group has begun work on the final stage of pastor transition. Using the 2024 Mission Study Report as a guide for the desires of the congregation and the needs of the church, the Pastor Nominating Committee will conduct the search for First Church’s next senior pastor. 

Pastor Nominating Committee Members include Elizabeth DeVore, Joel Donohue, Gary Johnson, Patrick Kirunda, Ben Peterson, Nicole Pugh, Kate Swan, Jacob Thompson, Amy Tingleaf, John Frame (Alternate), Allison Biggs (Alternate).Session called a congregational meeting to elect the Pastor Nominating Committee. This congregational meeting took place on Sunday, November 17, 2024 at 9:30 a.m. in Stephenson Hall.

Session formed a Mission Study Team, charged with conducting the mission study, a required step of the pastor transition process for the Presbyterian Church. The team worked to conduct an assessment of where the church is presently and provided opportunities for conversation within the community of faith about the future of our ministry. Community study, congregational survey and conversations were all part of the engagement that took place within the church. When concluded, the Mission Study Team compiled all findings into a single 2024 Mission Study Report (link digital report here). This report seeks to define and project the ministry priorities and goals for the next 3-5 years. Upon the completion of the 2024 Mission Study Report, the team’s work concluded.

Mission Study Team Members included Mark Brown, BJ Dollahon, John Harper, Gary Johnson, Grace Masaku, Anne McCoy, Nicole Pugh, and Porter Shults. 

Session formed a Transition Team whose duties were to prepare for Dr. Miller’s retirement. This team coordinated announcements and communication to the congregation, in addition to working with Dr. Miller and staff to address concerns and keep the transition in leadership as smooth as possible. The team worked closely with the Personnel Committee to perform the search for an interim senior pastor/head of staff. Upon the appointment of Interim Head Pastor. Rev. Hutchinson, this team’s work concluded.

Transition Team Members included Allison Biggs, Brett Crane, Jim Diacon, Stephanie Madsen, Urbanus Masaku and Gary Mathews.

Pastor transition updates

Sunday, November 17, 2024

The congregation approved the Pastor Nominating Committee at a congregational meeting called by Session. The Pastor Nominating Committee is a group of candidates brought forth by the Nominating Committee and includes Elizabeth DeVore, Joel Donohue, Gary Johnson, Patrick Kirunda, Ben Peterson, Nicole Pugh, Kate Swan, Jacob Thompson, Amy Tingleaf, John Frame (Alternate), Allison Biggs (Alternate).

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Session has approved the 2024 Mission Study Report. With the Mission Study Team’s work concluded and the report finalized, the next step in the pastor transition process is for election of the Pastor Nominating Committee. Session has called a congregational meeting to elect the Pastor Nominating Committee, a group of candidates brought forth by the Nominating Committee. This congregational meeting will take place on Sunday, November 17, 2024 at 9:30 a.m. in Stephenson Hall.

Tuesday, July 7, 2024

Thank you, First Church, for spending Sundays in June sharing your thoughts on some critical topics as the Mission Study Team concluded their study. The next step for the team will be to summarize the themes from all interviews, focus groups and congregational sessions and to draft the Mission Study report. This report will be passed on to Session and used as an instrumental tool for the Pastor Nominating Committee in the next steps of the transition.

Friday, June 7, 2024

The Mission Study Team hopes to see you at a Congregational Conversation this month. These are being held in Stephenson Hall every Sunday in June during the 9:30 hour. Last Sunday, June 2, the initial conversation covered the CAT survey reactions and implications. Upcoming topics include: FPC priorities and visitation for spiritual vitality, focus areas that make FPC stronger, FPC and its communities, and FPC vision for pastoral leadership. These are opportunities for round table discussion and feedback on the future of our church and we hope to hear your voice and vision.

Monday, May 20, 2024

On Sunday, May 19, 2024 Elizabeth Hamilton from Holy Cow! Consulting presented results from the congregational survey. If you weren’t able to attend, visit the First Church YouTube channel and watch the latest episode of “The Transition Podcast” for a recording of the event in Stephenson Hall. Download the meeting handout here.

MONDAY, MAY 6, 2024

The Mission Study Team (MST) is working to accelerate the deliberative process of the mission study; May and June will be exciting months of congregational conversations and Congregational Assessment Tool (CAT) debriefing. Please note that after the May 19th congregational debriefing, there will be congregational conversation opportunities every Sunday in June during the 9:30 a.m. Sunday School hours. The focal topics for each of these listening sessions will be announced soon, in response the themes that arose from the CAT.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024 

“Holy Cow!” was the Mission Study Team’s reaction when tallying the mission survey submissions. A whopping 480 responses will provide the church a broad range of feedback from the congregation. Thanks to those who took time to share thoughts in the survey. Please join HolyCow! Consulting representative Elizabeth Hamilton and the Mission Study Team on Sunday, May 19 for the congregational presentation during the 9:30 a.m. Sunday School hour in Stephenson Hall.

Sunday, March 24, 2024 

As we enter Holy Week, there is one week remaining for members to complete the Congregational Assessment Tool (CAT). Upon the conclusion of the assessment, results will be compiled and the Mission Study Team looks forward to hosting our HolyCow! Consulting representative Elizabeth Hamilton on Sunday, May 19 for a debriefing on and understanding of the assessment results. Please plan to attend this congregational presentation on Pentecost Sunday during the 9:30 a.m. Sunday School hour in Stephenson Hall on Sunday, May 19.

Sunday, February 25, 2024 

The Mission Study Team is inviting all church members to participate in a critical step of the Mission Study. In the coming week, members will receive an e-mail with a unique link to complete the Congregational Assessment Tool (CAT) - what has previously been referred to as the Mission Study survey. The CAT is an online instrument that will help leaders gauge the strength, vitality, and trends in our church. The information gained from this assessment will be valuable in helping the leaders of First Church as they make decisions about the future.

Monday, February 5, 2024

Session has approved the engagement of HolyCow! Consulting to work in conjunction with the Mission Study Team and assist in leading the mission study. The mission study is anticipated to start this month and conclude this spring, involving a variety of ways for the congregation to provide feedback as we prayerfully discern the mission of the church.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

The Transition Podcast” continues to explore the process and progress of the pastoral transition we are walking through. Host Rev. Julia Metcalf recently interviewed Mission Study Team members Anne McCoy and John Harper to discuss this crucial step of the pastor transition process. The video of the podcast is now available on the First Church Tulsa YouTube Channel, you can watch episode here.

Tuesday, November 29, 2023

The Mission Study Team has been appointed by Session (Elders); the team comes out of the Session’s Strategic Planning Committee. This team will conduct the required Mission Study, part of the pastor transition process for the Presbyterian Church. The Mission Study Team includes Mark Brown, BJ Dollahon, John Harper, Gary Johnson, Grace Masaku, Anne McCoy, Nicole Pugh, and Porter Shults. Community study, congregational survey and conversations are all part of the engagement that will take place within the church. When concluded, the Mission Study Team will compile all findings into a single mission study report. Once this study and report are complete, the pastor search can commence.

Tuesday, October 9, 2023 

Join us as we pray for the pastoral transition! If you’re interested in receiving a weekly prayer prompt, please text @pastorfpc to 81010 or click to opt in. You will receive a prayer prompt delivered via text message each Tuesday at 7:09 a.m. that will encourage you to pray in a specific way for the week. Each week will follow the path of pastoral transition, as we walk it together as a congregation at First Church.

Monday, October 2, 2023

A newly established Pastor's Pilgrimage Fund will honor Dr. Miller’s strong belief that pilgrimages to holy sites matter. The fund’s purpose will be to defray costs on future trips, enabling both students and pastors to experience Israel and other pilgrimage opportunities relating to historical holy sites. If you are moved to participate, please feel free to send a check to the church’s business office, indicating that it be applied to the Pastor's Pilgrimage Fund.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Beginning this Sunday and continuing into October, expect to welcome a member of the Transition Team into your Sunday School worship during the 9:30 hour. Offering updates and answering questions, the team looks forward to these heart-to-heart congregational discussions as we prayerfully prepare to walk through the coming months of pastoral transition. Sunday School classes can coordinate with Transition Team members for a time for a visit.

Friday, September 15, 2023 

Listen in to “The Transition” podcast hosted by Rev. Julia Metcalf. Each episode will explore the process and progress of the pastoral transition we are walking through. The first two episodes are available now! The first gives an overview of the three-phase process, and the second takes a deep-dive into each phase. Stay tuned for our third episode, which is an interview with our General Presbyter Tim Blodgett who provides perspective, wisdom and encouragement.


Pastor transition roadmap


This Roadmap comprises both procedural and suggested steps, taken from the Eastern Oklahoma Presbytery’s guidance and the Book of Order. Some implementations may differ slightly from the intended sequence of events.

July 2023 - Pastoral Transition Team appointed

At the July 25, 2023 called Session meeting, the Session (Elders) appoints the Transition Team. They begin their duties planning congregational announcements and communication methods, consulting with the Eastern Oklahoma Presbytery to gain information and set time frames.

August 2023 - Announcement of pastoral retirement

On August 22, 2023 Jim submits a letter that announces to the congregation his intent and plans for retirement as of October 29, 2023.

September 2023 - The search for an interim pastor begins

The Transition Team, with the help of the Eastern Oklahoma Presbytery, begins a national search for an interim pastor. With the oversight of the Personnel Committee, a job listing posts among appropriate avenues, as advised by the Presbytery.

September & October 2023 - Interviews and planning with Dr. Miller and staff

The Transition Team meets with Dr. Miller to gain insight on his duties and works closely with the Personnel Committee to make sure all tasks are planned to be covered by others after his retirement. The team attends staff meetings and works with the Personnel Committee.

October 2023 - Celebration of the Millers

On October 29, 2023 a Festival Sunday will provide opportunities for the entire congregation to worship with Dr. Miller during his last Sunday as head pastor of First Church. Dr. Miller will preach in the sanctuary at 11:00 a.m., followed by 12:30 p.m. reception in Stephenson Hall with a program and light lunch. 

November 2023 - Interim pastor appointed

The Transition Team recommends an interim pastor, and Session approves and appoints. The Transition Team assists with interim onboarding before the team dissolves, transitional duties concluded.

November 5, 2023 - Dissolution of the pastoral relationship

Session calls a congregational meeting to take place for a formal dissolution of pastoral duties between Dr. Miller and First Church. This is a protocol by the Eastern Oklahoma Presbytery during transitions in pastoral leadership.

November 2023 - Mission study commences

A Mission Study Team is appointed by Session (Elders) to lead this study; it is a process of discernment and listening to both the Holy Spirit and the congregation. The study is an assessment of where the church is presently and a conversation within the community of faith about the future of our ministry.

February 2024 - Community study, congregational survey and conversations commence

The Mission Study Team works with staff and church committees to study the congregation, engagement with the Tulsa community and the mission around the church. Congregants are asked for input to understand the strengths of the congregation’s culture, readiness for change and what may be missing.

March 2024 - Congregational survey

The Mission Study Team, along with the consult of HolyCow! Consulting, invites all church members to complete the Congregational Assessment Tool (CAT). The CAT is an online instrument that will help leaders gauge the strength, vitality, and trends in our church. The survey will launch March 4, 2024 and be available through the month for members to complete.

April 2024 - Congregational survey results compiled

The Mission Study Team awaits as HolyCow! Consulting compiles results from the Congregational Assessment Tool (CAT) and prepares to present these to the First Church Session and Congregation.

May 2024 - Congregational presentation of the CAT assessment results

The Mission Study Team and HolyCow! Consulting representative Elizabeth Hamilton share the results of the CAT first to the Session and Pastors, and then as a congregational presentation. The congregational presentation takes place on Pentecost Sunday during the 9:30 a.m. Sunday School hour in Stephenson Hall on Sunday, May 19.

June 2024 - Congregational conversations continue

The Mission Study Team conducts conversations within the community of faith about the future of our ministry. The team meets with staff and church committees to further discuss the mission the church. Congregants are invited to provide further input around topics and themes that arose during the assessment. These will occur during the 9:30 a.m. Sunday School hour every Sunday in June. This is a time to understand the strengths of the congregation’s culture and what may be missing.

July-August 2024 - Mission study concludes - a report is finalized and approved

The Mission Study Team compiles all findings into the 2024 Mission Study Report. This report seeks to define and project the ministry priorities and goals for the next 3-5 years for First Church. It will aid in aligning new pastoral leadership with the church ministries.

The Pastor Nominating Committee is elected

The pastoral search begins after the mission study is complete. Session calls a congregational meeting to elect the Pastor Nominating Committee, a group of candidates brought forth by the Nominating Committee. This congregational meeting took place on Sunday, November 17, 2024 at 9:30 a.m. in Stephenson Hall. The Pastor Nominating Committee work is underway.

Mission report presented

The Session (Elders) and Mission Study Team presents the mission study report to the congregation. This report will guide the Pastor Nominating Committee as they develop the ministry discernment profile, the help wanted ad. See the 2024 Mission Study Report.

Applications open for candidates for senior pastor

The Pastor Nominating Committee utilizes the ministry discernment profile to search for candidates. The committee begins receiving and reviewing applications from candidates.

Candidate interviews begin

The Pastor Nominating Committee begins interviewing senior pastor candidates while continuing to receive applications.

Applications close

The Pastor Nominating Committee closes applications for the position of senior pastor.

Pastor Nominating Committee selects a candidate

The Pastor Nominating Committee selects a senior pastor candidate subject to the Presbytery’s approval.

Congregation votes to “call the candidate”

The Pastor Nominating Committee presents the candidate’s name and the congregation votes to call the candidate to be the new senior pastor of First Church.

Installation of the new senior pastor

When the congregation, Presbytery and candidate have all concurred in a call to the permanent position with First Church, a service of installation occurs in the context of worship.



Pastor transition - FAQs

Here are several of our frequently asked questions.

Read all Q&As here.
Have an additional question? Email us here.
Listen to “The Transition” podcast here.

Q. Who is the Pastor Nominating Committee and what is it doing? 

A. The congregation approved a Pastor Nominating Committee, a group of individuals brought forth by the Nominating Committee and representing the demographics of the First Church congregation. The group includes Elizabeth DeVore, Joel Donohue, Gary Johnson, Patrick Kirunda, Ben Peterson, Nicole Pugh, Kate Swan, Jacob Thompson, Amy Tingleaf, John Frame (Alternate), Allison Biggs (Alternate). These individuals will conduct the work of the final stage of pastor transition, the search for the next senior pastor. 

Q. How can I read the finalized Mission Study Report?

A. Please visit 2024 Mission Study Report to download the report in PDF or to read it magazine style.

Q. What goes into the Mission Study report and will the congregation see it?

A. The Mission Study report is the finalized piece from the Mission Study Team and a culmination of the team’s work. This work includes the online Congregational Assessment Tool (CAT), Session and Congregational debriefings, pastor interviews, a staff survey and staff interviews, twelve focus groups with Session committees, five Congregational Conversations in the month of June and multiple podcasts. The team will compile the themes and findings in a single report, which will be presented to Session and ultimately, the congregation.

Q. What are the topics for the June Congregational Conversations each Sunday?

A. Please join us for at least one of these opportunities for round table discussion and further input from the congregation. These will take place each Sunday in June in Stephenson Hall from 9:30 a.m.-10:45 a.m.

June 2 Topic: CAT survey reactions and implications
June 9 Topic: FPC priorities and visitation for spiritual vitality
June 16 Topic: Focus areas that make FPC stronger
June 23 Topic: FPC and its communities
June 30 Topic: FPC vision for pastoral leadership

Q. What can be expected with the Congregational Assessment Tool (CAT) debriefing? How will the church be engaged to understand the data and to discuss?

A. The Mission Study Team (MST) will host HolyCow! consultant Elizabeth Hamilton on May 19th for a congregational presentation during the 9:30 a.m. Sunday School hour. Prior to that, HolyCow! will visit FPC in early May to debrief the Session, Pastoral Team, and church leadership with three hours of CAT data. Using this information, the MST will be empowered to meet with all Session committees through the month of May to gather committee responses and input; they will also meet with Powerhouse groups of FPC youth.

HolyCow! will also visit with the staff during a specific staff debriefing during that early May visit.

June congregational conversation opportunities will be announced for those wanting to engage verbally and in person around certain focal topics. These sessions will be available every Sunday in June during the 9:30 a.m. Sunday School hour.

Q. When will the results of the Congregational Assessment Tool (CAT) be shared with the congregation? How will results be used?

A. After allowing the congregation to take the survey through March, results will be compiled and the Mission Study Team will provide debriefings. A representative from HolyCow! Consulting will join the Mission Team for a congregational presentation on Pentecost Sunday during the 9:30 am Sunday School hour on Sunday, May 19. The Mission Study team will use the report from HolyCow! to conduct follow-up conversations with members and gather more congregational feedback as they compile a final mission study report. This report will be a valuable asset for the Pastor Nominating Committee in the next transition step.

Q. The mission study stage of pastor transition seems long. What is the reasoning for the time and process?

A. There are many steps for Session to take as it faithfully and prayerfully discharges the duties and responsibilities of pastor transition. The mission study is only one of these required steps laid out by our Eastern Oklahoma Presbytery (EOP) in the denomination’s process of pastor transition. This study is a time for the congregation of First Church to provide valuable input, meaning adequate time for thorough conversation and study is critical for the most fruitful results.

Q. Since the Congregational Assessment Tool (CAT) will not fully capture all congregation feedback, how else can a First Church member make their voice heard during the mission study stage of transition?

A. The CAT is a critical component of the mission study, but it is only one part. The survey is not intended to be definitive, but rather will provide the Mission Study Team a panoramic view of First Church that will direct the team to further conversations with focus groups. The Mission Study Team expects that these conversational opportunities will be very impactful as First Church members can prayerfully discern together. The team welcomes further feedback, outside what might be shared in the CAT and the focus groups, via e-mail at

Q. How is the Mission Study survey taken? What can be expected?

A. The survey is referred to as a Congregational Assessment Tool (CAT). If you have provided the church with a current e-mail address, you will receive a unique web link to complete the survey assessment online. The survey will be available on March 4, 2024 through the month. The assessment will contain approximately 80 questions. Please set aside enough time to answer all the questions. This will take about 20-30 minutes. All survey responses are strictly anonymous.

Q. What if online assistance is needed for the Mission Study survey?

A. If you feel you might need some assistance filling out the survey online, the church will have computers and electronic devices available with help from the Mission Study Team to aid congregants in filling out the survey. This will be offered in the Bride’s Parlor after church services on Sundays during the three weeks the survey is available to congregants.

Q. Who should take the Mission Study survey (also referred to as the Congregational Assessment Tool)?

A. All First Church members may take the assessment. If there is only one email address for all members of the household, it may be tempting to have one person take the survey on behalf of the family. However, we encourage each adult member and high school aged children living in the household to have an opportunity to complete the survey. Individual input is key to gaining insight into overall perceptions and experiences. First Church Staff will have an additional staff-specific survey opportunity after the initial church-wide member assessment.

Q. Will the results of the Mission Study survey (the Congregational Assessment Tool) be shared with the church?

A. Yes! The Mission Study Team is working with HolyCow! Consulting to implement the CAT and part of the process includes HolyCow! providing a report and findings at the conclusion of the assessment. Hard copies of this report will be made available and there will be a presentation to First Church members to explain results. The Mission Study team will also use the report from HolyCow! to conduct follow-up conversations with members and gather more feedback to compile in a final mission study report.

Q. Who is the Mission Study Team and what is it doing?

A: Session has appointed a Mission Study Team to conduct the required Mission Study, part of the pastor transition process for the Presbyterian Church. The Mission Study Team includes Mark Brown, BJ Dollahon, John Harper, Gary Johnson, Grace Masaku, Anne McCoy, Nicole Pugh, and Porter Shults. When concluded, the Mission Study Team compiles all findings into a single mission study report. The Pastor search can commence once the mission study is concluded.

Q. Who will be serving as the Interim Pastor for First Church?

A: We are pleased that our Senior Associate Pastor of the past eleven years, Rev. Dan Hutchinson, has moved into the role of Interim Head Pastor. Rev. Hutchinson  assumed the role as interim on November 1, 2023 and will serve First Church in this capacity until a new head pastor is called to serve.

Q. When does the mission study start? What does a mission study entail?

A: The mission study began after Dr. Miller’s last day and after Rev. Hutchinson assumed his role as interim head pastor. The Mission Study Team was appointed by Session (Elders) to lead this study; the team comes out of the Session’s Strategic Planning Committee.

The study is a process of discernment and listening to both the Holy Spirit and the congregation. This involves an assessment of where the church is presently and a conversation within the community of faith about the future of our ministry. Community study, congregational survey and conversations are all part of the engagement that will take place within the church. When concluded, the Mission Study Team compiles all findings into a single mission study report. This report seeks to define and project the ministry priorities and goals for the next 3-5 years.

Q. How can members of the congregation honor Jim and Diane?

A: A Pastor's Pilgrimage Fund is being established. Dr. Miller has a strong belief that pilgrimages to holy sites matter, shared through trips he led to Israel, the Footsteps of Paul, the Trail of the Reformation, the Oberammergau Passion Play, and others. Dr. Miller established a high school pilgrimage to Israel and urged the congregation to financially support the participating juniors and seniors. Regularly, Dr. Miller also invited local pastors to join him on trips as special guests (pastors who, for financial reasons, would not otherwise be able to go).

In this spirit of generosity, the Pastor's Pilgrimage Fund will help defray costs on future trips, enabling both students and pastors to experience Israel and pilgrimage opportunities relating to historical holy sites. If you are moved to participate, please send a check to the church’s business office, indicating it be applied to the Pastor's Pilgrimage Fund.

More Q&As here.
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